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An Easy-to-Use Dialogue Platform

”It’s very easy to give comments and analyze the dialogue.”

Placetoplan collaborates with

Placetoplan is a simple and powerful dialogue platform for planners, property developers, place developers, associations, and citizens.

With Placetoplan, you can easily share plans or places with the public. Display all types of file formats, images, videos, maps, drawings, 3D models for everyone to easily grasp ideas and proposals and provide feedback on them. Conduct simple surveys. Share on social media. You can follow incoming feedback live and analyze it. Who said what, where is there consensus and conflicts, etc. Generate an automated consultation report in Word or PDF. Provide feedback to the public.

Learn more about Placetoplan

Easy for everyone to give and see comments

  • Explore places and plans on all platforms, mobile, tablet, or computer.
  • View images, maps, videos, 3D models.
  • Provide general or location-specific feedback on places and plans.
  • See what others have said about places and plans.
  • Ask the planners and get answers that everyone can read.
  • Share feedback on social media.

Easy for planners to analyze dialogues

  • Present places and plans with any media, images, videos, maps, 3D, GIS, CAD.
  • Present dialogues with your own logo.
  • Add survey questions.
  • Track statistics on feedback and users live.
  • Analyze thematically and find points of consensus and conflict.
  • Automatically compile feedback into a report in Word or PDF.
  • Support for dialogue and moderation of incoming feedback by planners at Spacescape.

Our Clients

”We maintain an ongoing dialogue with Stockholm residents and use Placetoplan for its simplicity, clarity, and comprehensive reports.”
Jenny Brolin, Stockholms stad
”We evaluated several different digital services for citizen dialogue and chose Placetoplan because it is the most user-friendly.”
Anna Molén, Genova

Our Pricing

Test 0 sek per project Create an account Basic 5000 sek per project Create an account Support 25 000 sek per project Create an account* Report 90 000 sek per project Create an account* Premium License Offer per year Contact Us
Preview a dialogue project
Publish a dialogue project
Access to the analysis platform
Download dialogue report
Moderation of feedback*
Support for dialogue process*
Written analysis report*

* Ordered from Spacescape.

It is free to create an account and test Placetoplan. The first package, Project Basic, gives you access to all the platform's features, and you do everything yourself, with no support included.

In the Project Support package, you receive support from Spacescape's experienced consultants to set up your dialogue, marketing, monitoring, and moderation of feedback.

In the Project Report package, everything in Project Support is included, and Spacescape produces an analysis report that describes the dialogue, conclusions, and recommendations for future planning.

A Premium License is suitable for organizations that want to conduct many dialogues in a year.

Create an account and test for free

Here you can create your account. This means that you start with the Project Test package, which is completely free and can be used for as long as you like. When you decide to publish your dialogues publicly, you start with the Project Basic package. If you need more help in your dialogue work, use the Project Support, Project Report, or Premium License packages.

Good luck with your dialogues!